mob; +20109 4316130 -+2 0100 813 3785

Production of Banana Meristems

Our Production of in vitro banana passes  through very important stages.

Starting by selecting a high yielding and free-disease plants from trustworthy farms to be a real good source of our material for explants.

Believing of Good Chemical products lead  to a good production, increasing numbers of plantlets highly, our lab depends on Dephyte products to supply our plantlets with all stages of producing in vitro Banana from Initial Start stage to Rooting stage.

Also we depend on Musa Banana medium –one of the Dephyte production- to produce  high numbers and vital plantlets.

We also guarantee our production of in-vitro plantlets are disease free virus free using every test possible in this field like Elisa Test or BCR tests.for more 


Production of Palm tissue


Palm tree, and palm Date are the most popular, plant and fruit in Egypt and the whole Arabic world. IN 2017 we conducted our first experiments to multiply palm tree using Tissue Culture technique. In The beginning we conducted our experiments on local species –Sawii. We followed The Indirect Method in our experiments. Callus differential encourages us to extend our experiments on another species like some local dried species and Al Barahii. Acclimatization stage, is also very important stage for palm Date, and need more attention and caring to produce a good healthy plantlet. That is why we also conducted many experiments on this stage , and already produced our first Sawii plantlets.

Production of Potato Tissue, and Mini-tuber seeds


To achieve customer satisfaction , our lab offers high quality seeds and consolation as an after sales services to the farmers.

Productions of potatoes seeds using  a tissue culture technique, requires same stages we make for our tissue culture production

  1. selection of seed stockStock selection will be made on the basis of a number of factors including color, texture, oil absorption, sugar content, flavor and overall appearance. And of course ensure it is disease , virus free.
  2. Multiplication process,  In this stage we think that growing medium is the key to multiplication process. For that we use and reply on Germany products –Dephyte company- which produces and supplies high quality Chemical in this field like MS medium, Thiamine Acid, and Inositol, and some others Hormones we use in this stage
  3. of plantlets and micro-tubers/Greenhouse production ,Plantlets are then transferred ex-vitro in a potting mixture. The plants are kept in a controlled environment under production greenhouses where they are allowed to grow before being sold to farmers. For more details about this field please click here 

Medicinal and ornamental plants


Tissue culture in medicinal and ornamental plants is useful multiplying and conserving the species, which are difficult to regenerate by conventional methods and save them from extinction.

SignTech company cares for growing some of medicinal plants which has medicinal usage like   ( uva-ursi) known as Bearberry and also Stevia plants.

In our laboratory we also use Tissue Culture Technique to produce Ornamental plants which be used for ornamental purpose in garden and landscapes design projects and have economical and export value. Specially Spathiphyllum, Gerpera , Hemerocalls, Orchids and Gardenia Jasmonides

1- Tissue Culture Products

A – Plant Culture media

Murshige& Skoog Media (MS)

Musa Media

Gamborg B-5 Media

Woody Plant Media

Olive Media 

Orchid Media 

B- Plant growth Regulators;


Indol-3 Acetic Acid (IAA)

Indol-3 Butyric Acid (IBA)

Naphthalen Acetic Acid (NAA)


6Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP)

Adenine Hemi Sulfate Mono 



Thidiazuron (TDZ)

2-Nutrient Salts

  1. Fe EDDHA
  2. Fe EDTA
  3. MN EDTA
  4.  ZN EDTA
  1. Calcium Chloride
  2. Magnesium Sulfate 
  3. potassium Sulfate
  4. Ammonium Sulfate

Pure vitamins , Amino Acids

Amino Acids

  1. L-Arginine Hydrochloride
  2. L(+)- Asparagine
  3. L-Tryptophane
  4. L(+)-Gulatmine
  5. L-Tyrosine

Pure Vitamins

  1. Folic Acid
  2. Myo-Inositol
  3. Nicotinic Acid
  4. D(+)-Biotin
  5. Thiamine


  1. Microbiology regents
  2. Inorganic Compounds 
  3. Biological Buffers
  1. Dyes Stains & indicators
  2. HPLC, GC grade Solvents
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